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14th Round of Sri Lanka-India ETCA Negotiations Set for March 2024 in New Delhi

The upcoming 14th round of negotiations between Sri Lanka and India on the Economic and Technology Cooperation Agreement (ETCA) is scheduled to take place in New Delhi during the first week of March 2024.

During its meeting on Monday (19 Dec.), the Cabinet of Ministers deliberated on the status of the ECTA, taking into account the submission made by President Ranil Wickremesinghe. The discussions also encompassed an overview of the 13th Round that had previously occurred.

The nine sub-committees responsible for various aspects, such as ‘goods trade’, ‘introduction, general provisions and general exceptions’, ‘service trade’, ‘rules of origin’, ‘customs procedure and easing trade’, ‘sanitation and sanitation of vegetation measurements’, ‘technical constraints for trade’, ‘trade accords’, and ‘economic and technological cooperation’ engaged in discussions during the 13th Round.

Simultaneously, the sub-committee focusing on conflict resolution and final provisions is scheduled to conduct discussions at the end of February 2024 in New Delhi.

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