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Sri Lanka to Host 37th Session of FAO’s Asia Pacific Regional Conference in 2024

Sri Lanka has been selected as the host country for the 37th session of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference (APRC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The conference is scheduled to take place in Colombo from 19th to 22nd February 2024.

FAO, a specialized agency of the United Nations, leads global efforts to combat hunger, enhance food security, and improve nutrition. The Asia Pacific Regional Conference will convene ministers of agriculture and senior officials from 46 member countries in the Asia Pacific region to discuss challenges and priorities related to food and agriculture, fostering regional coherence.

The Ministerial session is planned for 19th to 22nd February 2024 and will be preceded by a virtual Senior Officers’ Meeting (SOM) from 31st January to 2nd February 2024. The SOM, chaired by Janaka Dharmakeerthi, Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries, will present its report at the Ministerial session for adoption.

Minister Mahinda Amaraweera, along with Vimlendra Sharan, FAO Representative for Sri Lanka and the Maldives, held a joint media conference on 8th December 2023 to discuss the upcoming conference. Minister Amaraweera highlighted that the 37th APRC would serve as a crucial platform for regional collaboration, benefiting Sri Lanka’s agricultural landscape, fisheries sector, and environment, as well as participating member countries.

Vimlendra Sharan emphasized FAO’s longstanding presence in Sri Lanka, supporting the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and fostering the growth and climate resilience of the fisheries sector. The APRC conference provides an opportunity to showcase innovative approaches introduced in partnership with the government.

By hosting the 37th APRC, Sri Lanka underscores its commitment to sustainable agriculture not only domestically but also across the region, demonstrating its role as a partner in sustainable agricultural development. The conference agenda will feature a forum on agritourism, responding to a specific request from the Sri Lankan government. This forum aims to highlight Sri Lanka’s potential as an agritourism destination, further developing the nation’s agritourism sector and attracting valuable foreign exchange. The 37th APRC represents a significant opportunity for Sri Lanka.

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