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Sri Lankan Ambassador Initiates Negotiations to Rescue 56 Citizens Held Hostage in Myanmar Cybercrime Camp: A Modern-Day Slavery Nightmare

In a significant development, Sri Lankan Ambassador to Myanmar, Janaka Bandara, has confirmed the initiation of negotiations with a terrorist group to secure the release of 56 Sri Lankan citizens held hostage at a cybercrime camp in Myanmar. This alarming incident has been termed as Sri Lanka’s Modern-Day Slavery Nightmare.

The commencement of negotiations follows the expressed willingness of the Myanmar government to engage with the terrorist group in order to facilitate the safe release of the Sri Lankan hostages, as conveyed after a meeting with Myanmar’s Home Affairs Minister.

Over the past two days, News 1st has brought attention to the dire situation of 56 Sri Lankan youth trapped in a cybercrime camp situated along the Myanmar-Thailand border, controlled by a terrorist group.

Situated 25 kilometers from Myaweddi city in Myanmar, this remote jungle outpost is under the complete control of a terrorist organization. The Sri Lankan mission in Myanmar is exerting substantial efforts to secure the release of the detained Sri Lankans.

Ambassador Janaka Bandara confirmed that he has engaged with multiple factions from the Myanmar Military Junta to discuss and address the critical situation.

Tragically, young men and women from various Asian countries, including India, have fallen victim to this scam and find themselves working as cyber slaves under the control of the terrorist group.

A previous report by News 1st outlined the alleged involvement of two individuals in facilitating the travel of Sri Lankan youths to Thailand under tourist visas, subsequently leading to their purported sale to a terrorist organization for a sum of US$5,000. The gravity of the situation underscores the urgency for diplomatic efforts to secure the release of the hostages and address the broader issue of human exploitation in the cybercrime camp.

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