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Mass Wedding Ceremony for 50 Couples Takes Place in Afghanistan

A mass wedding ceremony involving 50 couples was recently conducted in Kabul, Afghanistan, as an increasing number of low-income couples opt for this alternative to alleviate the financial burdens associated with traditional weddings.

The brides-to-be were discreetly kept out of sight in a separate wing until after lunch, according to local media reports. The event, organized by a charity, not only brought the couples together but also provided them with essential items, including carpets and household appliances, to kickstart their married life. An official from the ministry for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice addressed the low-key ceremonies.

Despite the reading of Quranic recitations, the atmosphere remained subdued as dancing and music continue to be effectively prohibited by the Taliban rulers who returned to power in August 2021.

Following the ceremonies, the newlyweds were transported in cars adorned with green ribbons and red plastic roses shaped like hearts.

Roohullah Rezayi, an 18-year-old from the Hazara Shia Muslim minority in Ghor province, shared with AFP news agency that a solo wedding would have been financially unattainable. “A traditional wedding would have cost us at least 200,000 to 250,000 Afghanis [£2,220 to £2,770; $2,800 to $3,600], but this time it will be between 10,000 and 15,000 Afghanis,” he explained. Earning a meager 350 Afghanis per day from odd jobs, Rezayi expressed gratitude for the scaled-down ceremony, attended by 35 people from both families.

For some grooms, like 23-year-old farmer Samiullah Zamani from Kabul province, the event marked the end of a three-year-long wait. “I’ve been waiting for this day for three years,” he exclaimed, eagerly anticipating the moment he could finally see his bride. Source – BBC


The Afghan grooms arrived on Monday for the mass wedding ceremony at a wedding hall in Kabul

Afghan grooms look on during a mass wedding ceremony at a wedding hall in Kabul

Relatives of grooms and brides attended the mass wedding ceremony at the wedding hall in Kabul

Afghan volunteers distribute flower bouquets to the grooms during a mass wedding ceremony at a wedding hall in Kabul

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