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15 CEB Employees Interdicted for Disrupting Services Amidst Protest Against Restructuring

In response to their participation in protests against the proposed restructuring of the state-owned electricity supplier, a total of 15 employees of the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) have been interdicted. The disruption of services during the three-day protest, held from January 03 to 05, prompted the disciplinary action.

The CEB trade union members, in disagreement with the government’s Bill to restructure the Board and the new Electricity Bill, organized a series of protests. The clerical staff members, responsible for cash counters, were implicated in obstructing customers attempting to pay their bills by closing the counter windows, as reported by the CEB.

Anticipating the trade union action, the CEB management, through a circular, had revoked the leave of all employees effective from January 02. However, employees were granted the option to take leave in urgent situations, subject to the approval of an executive officer in their respective division or branch.

Meanwhile, in an effort to maintain essential public services, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, through Extraordinary Gazette No.2363.02 published on December 18, 2023, declared all services related to electricity supply as essential public services.

Following the initiation of the three-day trade union action, Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera directed the CEB management to suspend and take appropriate disciplinary measures against employees involved in disrupting services or violating the established guidelines.

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