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Archbishop of Colombo, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, Calls for Liberation from Oppressive Leadership

In a fervent address during a special service at the All Saint’s Church in Borella in honor of Sri Lanka’s 76th Independence Day, Archbishop of Colombo, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, emphasized the imperative need to liberate the country from oppressive leadership and advocate for the appointment of a new leader.

The Cardinal asserted that, at present, the nation has not only experienced economic downfall but also a political decline. During his address, he questioned the essence of the freedom being celebrated, challenging whether it is the freedom of rulers or the freedom of the people. Cardinal Ranjith pointedly asked, “Is it ‘freedom’ to invite foreign diplomats while disregarding the plight of those who are starving in front of the country’s elites?”

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith’s call for a new leader and his critique of the current state of affairs underscore the urgency for a transformative shift in leadership that prioritizes the well-being of the people and the nation at large.

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