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Media Law Forum Empowers Future Media Professionals at Jaffna University Workshop

In a strategic initiative aimed at preparing the next generation of media professionals, the Media Law Forum recently organized a workshop titled “Strengthening and Empowering Freedom of Expression” for third-year undergraduate students of the Department of Media Studies at Jaffna University. Held on January 5th, 2024, this symposium was tailored specifically for students pursuing a Mass Communication Honors Degree.

The workshop provided comprehensive education on media laws, focusing on the responsible exercise of the right to express opinions on social media platforms. Students were equipped with knowledge about laws that may restrict this right and learned effective strategies to counter such limitations. By enhancing the legal literacy of these aspiring professionals, the event aimed to prepare them for the dynamic challenges of the Sri Lankan media landscape.

Taking place at Jaffna University, the forum provided a vital platform for students to gain insightful perspectives and practical knowledge, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of media law in their future careers.


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