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Election Commission Issues Voting Guidelines for Upcoming Presidential Election

The Election Commission has issued detailed guidelines for voters ahead of the presidential election set for September 21, 2024.

With more than three candidates contesting, voters will be allowed to mark their first preference for one candidate and indicate second and third preferences for two additional candidates.

To cast their vote, voters must place the number 1 in the box next to their preferred candidate’s name and symbol. They may also mark 2 and 3 for their second and third preferences, respectively.

The Commission clarified that a ballot will still be valid if only the first preference is marked, even if second and third preferences are left blank.

Visual examples were provided to show the correct method of marking the ballot. Additionally, the Commission stated that any clear indication of the voter’s choice, such as an X, would be accepted as a valid vote.

The Commission has cautioned that ballots will be rejected if they contain any writing or marks that could identify the voter, or if they are marked in the following ways:

  • No vote marked for any candidate
  • A vote marked for more than one candidate
  • Marking 1 for one candidate and X for another
  • Marking only the second or third preference without a first preference
  • Using marks other than 1 for the first preference, and 2 and 3 for subsequent preferences
  • Marking more than three preferences

Election Commissioner General R.M.A.L. Rathnayake urged all voters to carefully follow these guidelines to ensure their votes are valid and counted.


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