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After Victory on the 21st, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, as Commander-in-Chief, Will Take All Measures to Protect Law and Order in the Country

Fomer Minister Manusha Nanayakkara stated that after President Ranil Wickremesinghe wins the presidential election on the 21st, he will take steps to ensure the protection of law and order in the country as the Defense Minister and Commander-in-Chief.

Speaking to the media this morning in Galle, Neluva, he mentioned that there is no need for the government to conspire in anticipation of the election victory.

He further commented:

“On the 21st, we cannot go back to an era where the people suffered. We do not want to experience that suffering again, do we want to push the country toward another conflict. We remember the hardships faced by the people two and a half years ago, and we are waiting for a wise decision on the 21st.

Two and a half years ago, the people of this country demanded help when children were suffering and people were dying in queues due to a lack of electricity, fuel, and gas. No leader stepped forward to provide even the most basic necessities the people requested because they simply couldn’t.

But President Ranil Wickremesinghe understood the suffering of the people at that time. He took the risk and made decisions without fear. It was a politically dangerous decision. We were criticized, with people saying we were committing political suicide. But we made those decisions for our people. Within two and a half years, we were able to stabilize the country by providing fuel and gas to the people. Our people remember that, and they wish to pay their gratitude on the date of prasidential election.

The President addressed the needs of the people, who were suffering from a lack of gas, fuel, and medicine. If helping those in need was wrong, and if providing them with essential supplies was a mistake, then people can vote against us. But the people who understand that our efforts brought this country back to normal will vote without fear.

Most people in this country know what’s at stake. Perhaps three percent don’t. There is a group that has worked to undermine this country every day, rejecting development projects and seeing the country’s progress as a threat to their own interests. Some people are swayed by such lies. The same people fell for the wave last time, and it seems they are being misled again. But people saw what happened to the country when they followed that path last time. Considering that, they will make the decision they need to make.

The government has no need to conspire to win this election. We have put the security forces on high alert. There are reports circulating on social media that certain groups, who have been organizing fake rallies, may attempt to incite violence when trying to gather 2 to 2.5 million votes. As the Defense Minister and Commander-in-Chief, President Ranil Wickremesinghe will take the necessary steps to maintain peace in the country.

Election violence is wrong, no matter where it happens. A man was beaten with a helmet simply because he said he wouldn’t vote for a NPP. The law must be enforced in such cases.

Geeta Kumarasinghe is a good woman. It is said that she has great respect for the former president. However, she is working to unite all United National Party members in support of President Wickremesinghe.”

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