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Certain Political Factions and Labour Unions Striving to Attain Their Political Objectives

Mr. Saman Ratnapriya, the Director General of Trade Union Relations to the President, stated during a press conference held in Colombo yesterday (22) by the Union of Civil Organizations and Trade Unions, that certain political factions are actively promoting racial conflicts in the country to further their own political agendas.

He emphasized that the nation has already endured significant political and economic challenges over the past three decades, including the prolonged war and the Easter attack. As Sri Lanka is in the process of rebuilding after emerging from this dark period, there is no need for the re-emergence of racial conflicts.

Addressing the media briefing, Mr. Ratnapriya further said;

Today, several political factions and trade unions are actively involved in various initiatives aimed at advancing their political agendas on various national issues.

One of these initiatives pertains to the Channel 4 incident, currently under discussion in Parliament. Different political groups hold varying perspectives on this matter, with allegations that the government is reluctant to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident. This is not acceptable.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has taken steps to address the Channel 4 incident by appointing a committee consisting of a retired judge. This committee is responsible for making decisions regarding the matter. Additionally, the ruling party has called for the formation of a selection committee for this purpose.

While everyone has the right to express their opinions freely, it is crucial that information concerning this issue is shared with a sense of responsibility and common sense. It’s important to note that there has been no outright rejection of an investigation into the incident. The Ministry of Defence has also refuted these allegations. In this context, certain opposition groups are disseminating false information as part of their propaganda efforts.

The Easter attack had a devastating impact on the country and it is imperative for the nation to determine those responsible and prevent such incidents from recurring. Previous interventions, including international investigations and presidential commissions, have been initiated in connection with the Easter incident. Seeking international support for this cause is not inherently problematic.
Furthermore, there are groups attempting to incite racial tensions in the country to further their political objectives, with events such as Kurundi Viharaya and Thilipan celebrations being cited as examples. Both domestic and international communities suspect these groups of deliberately stoking conflict among the populace. Therefore, we urge all parties to refrain from dragging the country into turmoil for the sake of their political aspirations.

The Easter attack inflicted significant political and economic damage on our nation. Additionally, the scars of a three-decade-long war still linger in our collective memory. It is crucial that we do not forget these dark chapters in our history. I earnestly urge all groups to conduct themselves in a manner befitting our country’s welfare.

Today, as our country strives to recover from a severe economic crisis, various trade union campaigns are underway in the health department. Despite the economic challenges, the President has directed the Treasury to provide relief to public servants, including the possibility of salary or allowance increases.

Protests are not uncommon in our country and if the government does decide to raise wages or allowances, they should effectively communicate that it’s in response to the concerns voiced by the working people.

In these trying times when our country is grappling with financial difficulties, it is imperative that we collectively work towards the nation’s reconstruction, rather than dragging our feet on implementing necessary programs.

During the implementation of the loan optimization program, certain trade unions have propagated false narratives, suggesting that the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) would be endangered. Such misinformation is counterproductive and it’s essential for trade unions to refrain from creating unwarranted panic.

Only a small fraction of our population, 2500 out of 22 million, participated in the recent protests, indicating a broader acceptance of the President’s agenda by the people. I implore all trade unions, including the opposition, to understand the current state of our nation and act with responsibility.

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