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Chinese Scientists Discover Moss Species Capable of Surviving on Mars

Scientists in China have identified that Syntrichia caninervis, a type of moss typically found in extreme Earth environments like Antarctica and the Mojave Desert, can survive Mars-like conditions. These conditions include drought, high radiation levels, and extreme cold.

The research marks the first study of its kind examining plant survival and growth under Martian conditions. The moss was tested under an atmosphere of 95% carbon dioxide, temperatures as low as -196°C, intense UV radiation, and low atmospheric pressure.

Researchers observed that the desert moss not only survived but also recovered rapidly from severe water loss. This discovery is seen as a significant step toward potentially cultivating plants on Mars, with implications for future human habitation efforts.

Professor Stuart McDaniel from the University of Florida, an expert on moss, commented, “This paper is exciting because it shows that desert moss can endure brief exposures to stresses likely encountered on a journey to Mars.”

Scientists believe this experiment with moss paves the way for future tests on the Moon or Mars to assess its growth capabilities outside Earth. Professor Edward Guinan from Villanova University described the study as impressive, suggesting that this humble desert moss could make parts of Mars habitable for humans in the future.

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