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FAO, Sri Lankan Government, and EU Collaborate to Launch Farmer Field Schools Programme for Sustainable Paddy Cultivation

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, and funded by the European Union (EU), has recently introduced the Farmer Field Schools Programme. The initiative aims to provide training for 6,000 smallholder paddy farmers across four pivotal rice-growing districts, namely Ampara, Badulla, Hambantota, and Polonnaruwa, focusing on sustainable approaches to paddy cultivation.

Under the programme, Agriculture Extension Officers will train farmers in applying the Integrated Plant Nutrient Management (IPNM) approach, promoting the efficient use of fertilizers, water, and other inputs. This method not only aids in reducing costs but also enhances productivity, leading to improved profitability and resilience against future challenges for smallholder paddy farmers.

In Sri Lanka, many paddy farmers often rely on traditional cultivation methods, frequently exceeding recommended fertilizer amounts without a comprehensive understanding of their fields’ specific soil nutrient requirements. To address these challenges, the Farmer Field School programme will conduct soil testing and promote efficient fertilizer use through IPNM practices, emphasizing soil management, composting, and biochar production. The programme will also focus on implementing good agronomic practices, such as using high-quality seeds, proper land preparation, the parachute method for seed broadcasting, efficient water management, and effective weed, pest, and disease management—all integral components of IPNM practices.

These activities fall under the ‘RiceUP’ project, an innovative initiative launched by FAO and the government of Sri Lanka, with €4 million in funding from the EU. The project aims to address the vulnerability of Sri Lanka’s food security system by safeguarding smallholder farmer livelihoods through the safe and efficient use of fertilizers, along with enhancing the production of quality paddy seeds for increased productivity in paddy farming.

The Farmer Field Schools’ launch follows the training of 289 Agriculture Extension Officers, equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to guide 6,000 paddy farmers in adopting IPNM practices to enhance yields while reducing dependency on chemical fertilizers. These officers will act as facilitators, collaborating with selected farmers to adapt appropriate exercises relevant to their local conditions.

Through the implementation of sustainable farming practices, including the safe and efficient use of fertilizer and quality seeds, RiceUP aims to improve productivity, food security, and livelihoods in Sri Lanka’s paddy farming sector. FAO, in partnership with its collaborators, remains steadfast in ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector.

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