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Financial Dispute Between Pakistan and Sri Lanka Cricket Boards Over Asia Cup Expenses

The cricket boards of Pakistan and Sri Lanka are currently entangled in a financial dispute concerning the additional burden of $3-4 million incurred due to the relocation of the Asia Cup to the island nation last year.

Hybrid Model and Unforeseen Costs

Due to geopolitical tensions preventing the BCCI from sending its team to Pakistan, the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) and the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) opted for a hybrid model, with Sri Lanka hosting the majority of the matches. This decision resulted in unforeseen expenses, including chartered flights, hotel bookings, venue hiring fees, and travel.

Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) clarified its stance during the ACC council meeting in Bali, asserting that it was unwilling to bear the financial burden, as it did not profit from the decision and was not the official host of the tournament. Additional costs were attributed to the change in venue from Lahore to Multan by the former PCB chairman, Zaka Ashraf.

PCB’s Claim and Unresolved Dispute

The PCB is advocating for the ACC to cover the additional expenses, arguing that the continental cricket governing body made the decision to shift hosting rights and split the event. ACC chief Jay Shah affirmed during the Bali meeting that the PCB insisted on hosting four matches after the ACC had decided to move the entire tournament to Sri Lanka.

The source revealed that PCB’s acting chairman, Khawar Shah, and CEO Salman Naseer discussed the financial dispute with Jay Shah and SLC during the Bali meeting. ACC chief Jay Shah and SLC were reportedly aligned in their stance that PCB, as the host, should settle SLC’s dues since Sri Lanka’s venue and facilities were utilized.

An unresolved issue remains concerning the expenses related to chartered flights, with the PCB asserting that the flights were booked through Classic Travel, a “non-prequalified” Sri Lankan company. Although the PCB has made upfront payments and agreed to allocate funds for venues, they insist that the ACC, being the parent body, should share some additional costs and pay the hosting fee of $2.5 million.

Source: PTI

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