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Greetings from Colombo to Singaporean President Shanmugaratnam, who is of Sri Lankan origin

Singapore’s newly elected President, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, has garnered attention and admiration from Sri Lanka due to his Sri Lankan ancestry.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Sabry, extended warm wishes to President Shanmugaratnam on his election, highlighting his achievements and Sri Lankan roots as a source of inspiration.

Tharman Shanmugaratnam has been a prominent figure in Singaporean politics, achieving several victories in parliamentary elections, including an impressive victory in the 2020 General Election as a member of the People’s Action Party (PAP).

However, earlier this year, he resigned from the party to show his independence during his presidential campaign.

Singapore, known for its stable and corruption-free politics, has recently experienced a series of high-profile scandals that have stirred public frustration. These scandals include a rare graft investigation involving a Cabinet Minister, the resignations of two ruling party lawmakers, and public outcry over ministers renting plush state-owned properties.

Although the role of the president in Singapore is largely ceremonial, it holds significance in ensuring checks and balances in the government. The President plays a pivotal role in overseeing the country’s substantial but undisclosed reserves, wielding veto powers over any budget or specific transaction that might tap into these reserves.

The President can also veto the appointment or removal of key public officials and direct the anti-graft bureau to investigate cases, even against the Prime Minister’s wishes.

President Shanmugaratnam’s election marks Singapore’s third presidential election since a 1991 act granted the public the right to choose their president. His resounding mandate, with 70.4 percent of the vote, reflects strong support from Singaporeans.

In his remarks following the election, President Shanmugaratnam expressed humility in the face of the endorsement he received and emphasised his commitment to Singapore’s progress.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong also congratulated President Shanmugaratnam and affirmed his Government’s full cooperation.

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