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IMF Eyes ‘Turning Point’ for World Economy as Growth Bottoms

The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday cut its growth forecasts for China and the euro zone and said overall global growth remained low and uneven despite what it called the “remarkable strength” of the U.S. economy.

In its latest World Economic Outlook, the IMF left its forecast for global real GDP growth in 2023 unchanged at 3.0% but cut its 2024 forecast to 2.9% from its July forecast of 3.0%. World output grew 3.5% in 2022.

IMF chief economist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas said the global economy continued to recover from COVID-19, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and last year’s energy crisis, but that diverging growth trends meant “mediocre” medium-term prospects.

Gourinchas said the forecasts generally pointed to a soft landing, but the IMF remained concerned about risks related to China’s property crisis, volatile commodity prices, geopolitical fragmentation and a resurgence in inflation.

A fresh risk emerged in the form of the Israel-Palestinian conflict just as officials from 190 countries met in Marrakech for the IMF and World Bank annual meetings, but came after the IMF’s quarterly outlook update was locked down on Sept. 26.

Gourinchas told Reuters it was too early to say how the major escalation would affect the global economy: “Depending how the situation might unfold, there are many very different scenarios that we have not even yet started to explore, so we can’t make any assessment at this point yet.”

He said the IMF was monitoring the situation, noting that oil prices had risen some 4% in recent days, reflecting concerns that production or transport of oil could be interrupted.

Research by the IMF showed a 10% increase in oil prices would dampen global output by about 0.2% in the following year and boost global inflation by about 0.4%, he said.

Stronger growth is being throttled by the lingering impact of the pandemic, the Ukraine war and increasing fragmentation, along with rising interest rates, extreme weather events and shrinking fiscal support, the IMF said. Total global output in 2023 is slated to be 3.4%, or roughly $3.6 trillion – below pre-pandemic projections.

“The global economy is showing resilience. It’s not knocked out by the big shocks it’s experienced in the last two or three years, but it’s not doing too great either,” Gourinchas said in an interview. “We see a global economy that is limping along and it’s not quite sprinting yet.”

The medium-term outlook was “darker” especially for emerging economies, which faced a slower catch-up in living standards and more debt worries, Gourinchas told a news conference.

Even in 2028, the IMF is projecting global growth of just 3.1%.

“You have uncertainty. You have geo-economic fragmentation, low productivity growth, and low demographics. You put all these things together and you have a slowdown in medium-term growth,” Gourinchas told Reuters.


Inflation continued to decline around the globe due to a fall in energy prices and to a lesser extent food prices, but remained too high. It is expected to drop to an annual average of 6.9% in 2023 from 8.7% in 2022, and to 5.8% in 2024.

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