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Japan Extends Vital Support to Sri Lanka via WFP Grants: Strengthening Bonds Amid Economic Challenges

In a significant gesture of solidarity, Japan has handed over crucial grants to Sri Lanka through the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), marking a pivotal moment in their continued partnership. The official transfer ceremony took place on Tuesday (Oct. 10) at the Presidential Secretariat, graced by Mr. Komura Masahiro, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Mr. Mitsukoshi Hideki, the Japanese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, alongside esteemed Sri Lankan officials.

During the event, Deputy Minister Mr. Komura expressed his pleasure in standing by Sri Lanka during its recent economic trials, reaffirming Japan’s unwavering commitment as a steadfast friend and ally.

Dr. R.H.S. Samaratunga, the President’s Senior Adviser on Economic Affairs, conveyed heartfelt gratitude to the Japanese government for their invaluable assistance. He apprised the Japanese officials of Sri Lanka’s resolute efforts to alleviate economic hardships faced by vulnerable families, citing the pivotal role played by initiatives like the Emergency Response Program (ERP), School Meal Program (SMP), and National Social Security Program.

Highlighting the enduring 70-year diplomatic relationship between Japan and Sri Lanka, Dr. Samaratunga underscored Japan’s consistent support in various critical junctures.

Under the aegis of the World Food Program, Japan’s contribution of food items valued at USD 10 million has been a lifeline for the most economically vulnerable households in Sri Lanka. The Emergency Response Program (ERP) alone has extended its reach to benefit 145,000 households, providing essential sustenance during challenging times.

Dr. Samaratunga further noted Japan’s generous contribution of 7,270 metric tons of food items, integral to the School Meal Program (SMP), which has directly benefited 960,000 schoolchildren, including the provision of highly nutritious red lentils. This substantial support from Japan underscores their unwavering commitment to the well-being and stability of Sri Lanka.

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