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Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa Arrives in Sri Lanka for Official Talks on Debt and Economic Restructuring


The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yoko Kamikawa, has commenced an official visit to Sri Lanka aimed at discussing the nation’s debt and economic restructuring endeavors.

During her two-day stay, Minister Kamikawa is slated to convene with high-ranking officials of the Sri Lankan government, including President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

In a recent press briefing in Japan, Minister Kamikawa reaffirmed Japan’s commitment to collaborating with Sri Lanka in its debt restructuring initiatives.

The discussions between Minister Kamikawa and the Sri Lankan government will center on various areas, encompassing the revival of economic relations and developmental ventures, the restructuring of Sri Lanka’s debt and economy, and the advancement of Japan-funded investment undertakings in Sri Lanka.

Subsequent to deliberations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Kamikawa will hold a joint media briefing this afternoon alongside her Sri Lankan counterpart.

Meanwhile, elucidating the significance of her visit to Sri Lanka during a media briefing last week, Minister Kamikawa emphasized the profound mutual trust established between Japan and Sri Lanka through years of development cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.

“Japan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal have fostered deep mutual trust over years of development cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. Through my visit, we aim to further fortify our cooperation,” she stated.

“Specifically, in Sri Lanka, Japan will reaffirm its cooperation with the Sri Lankan Government in its debt restructuring endeavors. Additionally, I will discuss with Sri Lanka our collaborative efforts concerning Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy, Women, Peace, and Security, as well as disarmament and non-proliferation,” she elaborated.

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