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Lanka E-mobility Solutions (LEMS) Propels Sri Lanka into a Greener Future with the Revolutionary ‘e-wheel’

In a pioneering move towards eco-friendly transportation, Lanka E-mobility Solutions (LEMS) is set to transform the landscape of Sri Lanka’s three-wheeler industry with the introduction of their cutting-edge electric three-wheel battery swapping technology, aptly named ‘e-wheel.’

This groundbreaking battery-swapping innovation liberates three-wheeler owners from the burden of purchasing expensive batteries or fretting about end-of-life replacements, offering a swift and seamless process completed in just two minutes.

Under this innovative solution, three-wheeler owners bear no cost for the batteries, as both the batteries and the strategically positioned swapping stations are owned and managed by LEMS. The e-wheel owner now only pays for the energy used, operating on a convenient pay-as-you-go basis.

The launch of ‘e-wheel’ marks a significant milestone in Sri Lanka’s journey towards sustainable transportation. Motivated by the pressing need to curtail carbon emissions and combat hazardous air pollution, the founders of LEMS have undertaken a mission to revolutionize the way Sri Lankans commute.

Managing Director of LEMS, Chaminda Rajapakse, highlighted the potential impact, stating, “Sri Lanka’s 1.2 million three-wheelers currently guzzle a staggering 5.5 million litres of petrol a day, and each e-wheel will help reduce that figure. The e-wheel driver, often the breadwinner of the family, with a mere Rs.450,000 investment, can now save nearly Rs.20,000 per month.” He emphasized the prodigious advantages, including savings on valuable foreign exchange spent on fuel imports, lubricants, and routine maintenance spare parts.

Conceived in 2020 and incubated by the Island Climate Initiative (ICI) over the last two years, LEMS is dedicated to revolutionizing Sri Lanka’s transport industry with cutting-edge electric technology. Co-founder and Director Shirendra Lawrence explained the conversion process, stating, “We take the existing petrol three-wheelers, remove their engine, and replace it with a brand new electric powertrain. The entire conversion process takes just two hours. Once converted, the vehicle can immediately start using our battery swapping services.”

Initially, battery swapping stations will be conveniently located across Colombo and its immediate suburbs, with plans for expansions to Galle and Kandy already in the pipeline. Additionally, the converted e-wheels eliminate the need for oil changes or services. To emphasize the economic advantage, Lawrence added, “To run a petrol three-wheeler, it costs over Rs.20 a kilometer, whereas the cost of running an e-wheel is less than Rs.15 a kilometer.”

People’s Leasing & Finance PLC stands as the exclusive finance and leasing partner in this groundbreaking e-wheel revolution. CEO Shamindra Marcelline expressed the company’s commitment, stating, “By supporting LEMS in introducing this innovative electric three-wheel battery swapping technology, branded as the e-wheel, we are contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable transportation solution for Sri Lanka. This project is a crucial component of our broader sustainability initiatives, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and combat air pollution.” The collaborative effort signifies a significant stride towards a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future for Sri Lanka’s transportation network.

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