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My son’s contribution has been entirely voluntary – Sabry

Foreign Minister Ali Sabri has made an explanation in response to the public protest against his son’s presence at the United Nations events held in America.

“Having seen the concerns raised on social media, on the presence of my son at a couple of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the UNGA, I would like to place the following facts.

In addition to my responsibilities in assisting H.E. the President with his high-level engagements, as the Foreign Minister I maintain a demanding schedule during my visits to the UNGA and Washington D.C. This itinerary comprises delivering ten interventions and speeches, engaging in three public events, and participating in numerous bilateral and multilateral meetings.

The extensive workload necessitates thorough research, writing, and meticulous preparations. To support Ministers in fulfilling their respective duties, each of us benefits from a Minister’s bureau, comprising both paid and voluntary contributors. My son has assisted me as a research assistant and a draft writer on an ad hoc, voluntary basis at my request for a period of time.

During the UNGA, as he currently pursues his studies in the United States, he volunteered to join to contribute his time and expertise for a few days. I am pleased to acknowledge that his contributions assisted me in preparing me for these crucial engagements. Importantly, neither the Foreign Ministry nor the Government of Sri Lanka has expended a single rupee on his behalf, either for his involvement in these engagements or at any other time.

His contribution has been entirely voluntary, entailing zero cost to the taxpayer. I firmly believe that the public has every right to seek accountability from their representatives, and I am committed to providing the facts for your informed judgement.”

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