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Online Safety and Anti-Terrorism Bills : US Calls for Protecting People’s Rights

US Ambassador Julie Chung has called on Sri Lankan authorities to ensure the rights of the people are safeguarded in relation to the Online Safety Bill and the anti-terrorism legislation.

Taking to ‘X’, Ambassador Chung said as Sri Lanka deliberates the Online Safety Bill, it’s crucial to include input from the tech sector, civil society, and diverse experts.

“Preserving freedom of expression is essential as it’s a fundamental right that is non-negotiable and must be safeguarded,” she said.

Ambassador Chung also urged the Sri Lankan government to honor its pledge to revise its anti-terrorism legislation in alignment with international standards and best practices in other democracies.

She further said that Sri Lankans deserve both security and fundamental freedoms.

“Striking the right balance through effective legislation will ensure both, enabling lawful freedom of assembly and empowering law enforcement to tackle threats effectively,” Ambassador Chung added.

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