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Over 50% of Sri Lankans Believe Local Political Forces Involved in Easter Attacks, Reveals Verité Research Survey

In a recent survey conducted by Verité Research, more than half of the Sri Lankan population, comprising 53%, asserts that local political forces were implicated in the Easter Sunday attacks of 2019. The survey, which gathered responses from 1,029 Sri Lankan adults in October 2023, presented participants with three prevailing views on the attacks and asked them to choose the one they found most plausible.

The breakdown of responses is as follows:

  1. 30% believed it was carried out by Sri Lankan extremists collaborating with local political forces.
  2. 23% believed it was carried out by Sri Lankan extremists collaborating with both local political forces and dangerous foreign forces.
  3. Only 8% believed it was carried out without the involvement of local political forces.
  4. A significant 39% either expressed no opinion or refused to comment.

The survey, conducted with a maximum error margin below ±3% at a 95% confidence interval, highlights the prevailing sentiments among the Sri Lankan population regarding the Easter attacks. The polling partner for this Syndicated Surveys instrument was Vanguard Survey (Pvt) Ltd, providing an opportunity for various organizations to gauge public sentiments through this poll by Verité Research.

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