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Record Levels of Deadly Bacterial Infection Reported in Japan

Cases of a dangerous and highly fatal bacterial infection have reached record levels in Japan, according to official figures, with experts yet to determine the cause of the increase.

As of June 2, Japan’s Health Ministry recorded 977 cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), which has a mortality rate of up to 30%. Between January and March, 77 people died from the infection, the latest available data shows.

This ongoing outbreak has already surpassed last year’s record of 941 preliminary infections, the highest since statistics began in 1999. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases reported 97 deaths due to STSS last year, the second-highest number in the past six years.

STSS is a rare but serious bacterial infection that occurs when bacteria spread into deep tissues and the bloodstream. Initial symptoms include fever, muscle pain, and vomiting, but the condition can rapidly become life-threatening, leading to low blood pressure, swelling, and multiple organ failure as the body goes into shock.

“Even with treatment, STSS can be deadly. Out of 10 people with STSS, as many as three people will die from the infection,” states the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Most STSS cases are caused by group A streptococcus (GAS) bacteria, which typically cause fever and throat infections in children. In rare instances, strep A can become invasive when the bacteria produce a toxin that allows it to enter the bloodstream, leading to severe illnesses such as toxic shock.

Strep A can also cause necrotizing fasciitis, a “flesh-eating” disease that can result in limb loss. Most patients who contract this disease have other health conditions that weaken their ability to fight infections, such as cancer or diabetes, according to the CDC.

Invasive group A strep infections were largely curbed by COVID-19 measures like masking and social distancing. However, after these measures were relaxed, many countries reported an increase in cases.

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