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Sectoral Oversight Committee Discusses National Oceanic Affairs Committee Secretariat Affairs

The Sectoral Oversight Committee on International Relations has directed its focus towards matters pertaining to the National Oceanic Affairs Committee Secretariat, an agency affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During a meeting held on January 9, 2024, chaired by Member of Parliament Akila Ellawala, the Committee deliberated on the role of the National Oceanic Affairs Committee Secretariat, the challenges it faces, and its future plans, as stated in a press release by the Parliamentary Communications Department.

Dr. N.P. Vijayananda, the current Chairman of the secretariat, addressed the meeting, highlighting the potential utilization of a sea area extending 250 nautical miles beyond the exclusive economic zone, which is originally 200 nautical miles from the country’s land, for economic activities within the nation. Emphasizing the requirement for the agreement of regional countries, as stipulated by the United Nations Charter on the Law of the Sea, Dr. Vijayananda noted that negotiations with neighboring countries, including India, are underway. The statement further underscored the significance of this oceanic region for Sri Lanka in terms of fuel exploration and biodiversity.

In response, the Committee Chair stressed the urgency of expediting these activities in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense and expressed the intention to submit a request to the minister overseeing the subject.

The Committee meeting was attended by Committee members and Members of Parliament Madhura Withanage, S.M.M. Muszhaaraff, and officials representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to the Parliamentary Communications Department.

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