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Sri Lankan born Thanigasalam named associate transport minister in latest Ontario cabinet shuffle

Ontario’s provincial government has named Vijay Thanigasalam associate minister of transportation in its second cabinet shuffle this month.

The change was triggered by the sudden resignation of Labour Minister Monte McNaughton, who is leaving for the private sector, and two other ministers who have resigned in the wake of criticism surrounding now-reversed plans to develop housing on protected Greenbelt lands.

The representative for Scarborough-Rouge Park served as parliament assistant to the minister of transportation after first being elected in 2018. He immigrated from Sri Lanka at the age of 14 and earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Prabmeet Sarkaria, MPP for Brampton South, was named transportation minister earlier this month.

Todd McCarthy, who was named associate minister of transportation in that shuffle, becomes minister of public and business service delivery.

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