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Sri Lanka’s Power and Energy Minister Announces Comprehensive Freeze on CEB Employee Benefits

Sri Lanka’s Power and Energy Minister, Kanchana Wijesekera, has issued a directive imposing an immediate freeze on all bonuses, allowances, and salary increments for employees of the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB).

Effective immediately, the freeze encompasses bonuses for the year 2023 and any outstanding amounts from previous years, including all existing incentive and allowance schemes. Additionally, the 25% salary increment, traditionally awarded every three years since 2015, will be discontinued.

In a letter specifically addressed to senior CEB officials, the Minister has called for the submission of a comprehensive report covering 21 specific allowances and incentives currently provided to employees. The report is expected to include details such as the total amount disbursed in 2023, payment schedules, and the number of vehicles rented or allocated to each official, along with associated rental costs.

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