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Those who leaked information about the change in sugar tax need to be investigated – Manusha

Labour and Foreign Employment Minister Manusha Nanayakkara questioned how businessmen received information about an increase in the import tax on sugar before it was presented to the Cabinet, and said that only Sri Lanka Customs officials were aware of the tax revision.

He also questioned which parties were aware of the tax increase, and emphasized the need to conduct an investigation to determine whether anyone had leaked the information to outsiders.
The Minister expressed these views answering the questions raised by journalists.
Speaking to the media, he said,
“We raised our voice regarding the sugar fraud back then, and we will continue to raise our voice if there is a fraud even today. We will not keep our mouths shut where there is a fraud or a mistake. We need to find out what happened here.
The real issue here is how the information of the decision to increase tax got to the businessmen. To be honest, even the Cabinet Members were not aware of the decision to increase tax. Customs Officials knew this and how this information leaked to those businessmen should be investigated.
Even the Cabinet decision to increase salaries for government employees were leaked and some protested demanding to increase salaries following that just to gain benefits and make an impression that their demands led to salary increase.
And as soon as the Government decides to impose a tax, some businessmen import those items. When the government decides to reduce tax, this same group hides those specific items. The question we have to find the answer is how that information reached those businessmen? I am sure that information does not leak from the Cabinet.

An investigation must be conducted in this regard. There is a group that always gains profit from changes in taxes. That is why the President set a maximum retail price for sugar. With that decision, it will not be possible to gain profits from this tax increase.

I know the price of goods has increased, especially the price of gas and electricity. Despite this, there is no fuel or gas shortage. We have taken some unpopular decisions as we are working towards debt restructuring. If we do not restructure the debt, we will continue to be a bankrupt country.

After the restructuring period of the country, investors will start to come to Sri Lanka and businesses will develop. Then, everyone’s income will be increased.

We will not allow any government institution to run at a loss. All institutions should become profit making institutions. As of today, the interest rate has decreased. The small businessman has benefited from it. What we need to do is increase the income of the people. I can say that the situation will improve a lot by February March next year.

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