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Treasury Secretary gets life threats from Cabral and MP

Treasury Secretary Mahinda Siriwardena complained to the MoD last week about a “direct threat” to him and his family. Of course, that is for another reason altogether. He told Defence Secretary Kamal Gunaratne that it was due to disclosures made before the “Select Committee of Parliament to Investigate the Cause for Financial Bankruptcy Declared by Government and to Report to Parliament and submit its Proposals and Recommendations in this regard” by  an MP backing the government and Ajith Nivard Cabral. The latter was a onetime Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

Despite all other members declining to take part in the Parliamentary Select Committee allegedly on the grounds that it is intended to whitewash then Finance Minister, Basil Rajapaksa, its SLPP members have chosen to go ahead. The PSC is headed by Sagara Kariyawasam, MP who is the General Secretary of the SLPP. He is also a known close confidant of Basil Rajapaksa. The other members are Pavithra Wanniarachchi, D.V. Chanaka, Mahindananda Aluthgamage, Jayantha Ketagoda, Major Pradeep Udugoda, Sanjeeva Edirimanne, Nalaka Bandara Kottegoda and Prof. Ranjith Bandara. Those who have refused to serve are Eran Wickremeratne (SJB), Harshana Rajakaruna (SJB), Vijitha Herath (JVP) and Shanakiyan Rasamanickam (TNA).

The parameters set out to the PSC are somewhat narrow in scope and are highlighted by the preamble to the resolution that was moved to establish it. It says, “….. the country’s economic deterioration was caused due to factors such as providing tax relief, non-payment of loan instalments, imposition of import restrictions, allowing for a rapid depreciation of the rupee, the decline in official remittances from migrants, the increase in inflation to a high level and the increase in the cost of living….” Some parliamentarians opine that these words could even form the finding with greater elaboration. The committee has been tasked to submit its proposals and recommendations on the following matters:

“(a) the fact whether the country experienced an unprecedented economic crisis because of those in positions of responsibility during the times of concern failing to perform their duties properly.

“(b) the fact whether the relevant authorities took adequate measures to prevent and/or minimise the effect of the economic crisis.

(c)   the fact whether there were shortcomings in the state machinery that caused it to fail to prevent and/or minimise the effect of the economic crisis.

(d)   the fact whether there were other factors that contributed to such economic crisis.

(e)   the fact whether there are other factors which may cause the country to undergo such economic crisis in future; and

(f)    the course of action that should be taken to minimise such economic deterioration in future.”

The terms of reference, if it was a fully constituted PSC, would have been appropriate and served a limited purpose. It also raises an all-important question – why a probe has not been initiated at the highest national levels since this is the first time in the country’s history that Sri Lanka was driven to bankruptcy? Such a probe should have encompassed various aspects including the role played by then President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on whom lay the final responsibility. Now, at different fora, many SLPPers lay the blame only on select advisors. The PSC began sittings by summoning a parliamentarian and Ajith Nivard Cabral.

In his letter dated September 18 to Defence Secretary Gunaratne, Treasury Secretary Siriwardena said, “I write this letter to inform you about the serious life threats that could occur to me and my family members due to the recent conduct of two individuals.” He  said he and the Central Bank Governor have been at the forefront of government’s economic recovery efforts since Sri Lanka was declared bankrupt. The letter also said:

“At a session of the ‘Select Committee of Parliament to investigate the Cause for Financial Bankruptcy Declared by Government and to Report to Parliament and submit its Proposals and Recommendations in this Regard,’ held on 15th September 2023 at Parliament, (by an) MP and Mr. Ajith Nivard Cabral had been summoned to make their statements on the subject matter.

(The MP concerned) “in his statement has made direct allegations against me for the official matters which I have done in good faith and on the Directions of the relevant Authorities regarding the Government’s decision to announce a Debt Standstill policy on 12th April 2022. He has deliberately distorted the real facts of the incident and has attempted to convince the public that the said policy decision was taken by Dr Nandalal Weerasinghe, the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and myself without consulting the relevant authorities which is factually wrong and misleading.

(The MP concerned) “further states the Governor and myself shall be blamed for such unwarranted decision and the government should deploy State Intelligence Units to investigate the background of these officers and their family members to trace whether they have unduly benefited.

“He further states that the hundreds of houses of the politicians were burnt and charged by the public because of the wrong decisions of the Public Officers in attempts to provoke the public to attack me and the family members as well as the Government’s getting further steps to make public aware about the residence (sic) placed Public Officers which implies my residence as well.

“In addition to the above statements by the MP and Mr Ajith Nivard Cabral also made a false statement citing the names of me and the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka which tends to create public displeasure on ourselves, leading to potential detrimental reactions by the public in this crisis situation.

“The statement made by the MP and Mr Ajith Nivard Cabral are very serious, and they cause imminent threat to me and my family and violate my right for peaceful life and affect the performance of my official work impartially.

“I noticed that these statements were given much publicity in newspapers, Tv channels and social media on 15th September 2023 and thereafter the same was discussed in several other media conferences as well. The copies/web links of the statements made by the said MP and Mr Cabral, as reported in the media, are attached hereto.

“Therefore, I wish to kindly request you to take this matter very seriously as a priority and focus your attention for this direct threat and kindly request you to take necessary steps to safeguard our right for peaceful life and ensure necessary protection to me to perform my official work without any threat. I also state that any detrimental incident happened to my life, my family members’ lives, and my house, these two persons should be held the (sic) responsibility given the severity of their statements made at the above Select Committee.”

The Sunday Times learnt that Treasury Secretary Siriwardena has been told at the highest levels of the government that no action in any form would be possible in respect of proceedings of the Parliamentary Select Committee. They were governed by privilege, and he was at liberty to make direct representations to the PSC on his views in respect of representations made by others.(Sunday Times)

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