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UK Supreme Court Strikes Down Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda Deportation Plan as Unlawful

In a significant blow to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government, the UK Supreme Court has ruled against the deportation policy of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda, deeming it illegal. This decision, handed down on Wednesday, marks a substantial setback for the government’s efforts to curb illegal migration.

The court’s five judges upheld the earlier judgment by the Court of Appeal, asserting that the deportation policy was unlawful due to the potential risk it posed to asylum seekers. There was a credible concern that individuals sent to Rwanda could subsequently be returned to their home countries, exposing them to persecution and violating their human rights.

The ruling represents a significant setback for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who had championed the Rwanda deportation scheme as a pivotal strategy in his commitment to “stop the boats” and discourage migrants from undertaking further crossings.

Under the Illegal Migration Act, a key component of Sunak’s approach, ministers were granted the authority to detain migrants arriving illegally in the UK and deport them to a designated third safe country, such as Rwanda, or back to their countries of origin. The Supreme Court’s decision challenges the legality and ethical implications of this approach, emphasizing the paramount importance of protecting the human rights of asylum seekers.

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