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US Launches Massive Airstrikes Targeting Iran-Linked Sites in Syria and Iraq

In a significant escalation of hostilities in the Middle East, US forces carried out strikes on 85 individual targets across seven locations in Syria and Iraq on early Saturday (3rd), according to foreign media reports. The United States claims that these targets are linked to Iran.

The extensive military action follows a drone attack on a US base in Jordan over a week ago, resulting in the tragic death of three US soldiers and injuring over 40 individuals. President Joe Biden, in a statement, affirmed, “Our response began today. It will continue at times and places of our choosing.”

US Central Command disclosed that the airstrikes were directed against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp Quds Force and affiliated militia groups. Despite the accusations, Iran has denied any involvement in the attack on the Jordanian base.

The strikes, involving a variety of US forces, notably included long-range B1 bombers that flew in from the United States. A total of seven locations were targeted, with four in Syria and three in Iraq, utilizing over 125 bombs and missiles in the operation.

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