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Attorney General’s Department to Contest Compensation Restrictions in X-Press Pearl Case

The Attorney General’s Department has announced its intent to file objections before the British High Court of Admiralty on January 29th against the restrictions imposed on compensation for the damage resulting from the fire and sinking of the X-Press Pearl vessel.

The court had previously limited the compensation recoverable from the company that owns the vessel to 19.5 million Sterling Pounds. This restriction posed challenges in obtaining adequate compensation for the extensive damage caused by the vessel’s sinking.

A comprehensive statement is slated to be submitted to the Court on January 27th in connection with the lawsuit filed before the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) to seek compensation from the shipping company. Subsequently, the court will proceed to hear the evidence presented in the case.

The Attorney General’s Department has specified that the Harbor Master will be presented as the initial witness in the proceedings. This move reflects the ongoing efforts to address the legal aspects surrounding the X-Press Pearl incident and pursue fair compensation for the damage incurred.

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