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Cabinet Approves Proposal to Amend Electoral System for Parliamentary Elections

The Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to draft the requisite laws for amending the electoral system, aiming to directly elect 160 Members of Parliament from the respective constituencies, under the First-Past-the-Post (FPTP) system. Additionally, the proposal includes electing the remaining 65 MPs through the proportional voting system at either the national or provincial level.

The Government Information Department stated that the revision of the current electoral system is essential to align with the objectives of the Election Expenses Regulation Act No. 3 of 2023 and to ensure a fully democratic election process.

In response, a Cabinet sub-committee was tasked with soliciting input from all party leaders and relevant entities representing the Parliament. The committee was mandated to compile a report with pertinent recommendations for Cabinet consideration.

The statement further noted that suggestions were tabled to the committee for the direct election of 160 MPs from respective constituencies, with the remaining 65 MPs to be elected through the proportional voting system at the national or provincial level. It confirmed that a majority consensus was reached on this proposal.

Consequently, the Cabinet of Ministers endorsed the proposal put forth by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs, and Constitutional Reforms. The proposal advises the Legal Draftsman to draft the necessary laws, taking into account the recommendations made by the committee chaired by the Prime Minister to amend the electoral system.

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