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Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith Advocates for Reformed Laws Aligned with Sri Lanka’s Unique Context

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, in a significant address during the feast at St. John the Baptist’s Church in Mutwal on Sunday morning, asserted that addressing Sri Lanka’s issues requires an overhaul of outdated laws and the presence of leaders who comprehend and respect the country’s unique context.

Emphasizing the imperative for leaders whose attitudes “fit the culture and suit the country,” the Cardinal underscored that a one-size-fits-all approach, borrowed from other political agendas, is insufficient for resolving the nation’s challenges. He called for leaders to adopt realistic, locally-tailored strategies in order to effectively tackle the problems facing the country.

Cardinal Ranjith challenged the prevailing notion that societal change can be achieved solely through stringent laws, cautioning against burdening the people. He pointed to the recent legislation in the current Parliament, notably citing the Ceylon Electricity Board Act as an example. Expressing concern, he remarked that the details of the Act remain unclear, questioning its utility for the public.

Furthermore, the Cardinal questioned the legislation’s alignment with the people’s needs, stressing the necessity for a political framework that ensures the well-being of the citizens, including their ability to afford meals.

Turning his attention to the judiciary, Cardinal Ranjith advocated for non-interference, highlighting its crucial role in upholding respect for the law. He firmly asserted that leaders should refrain from intervening in legal matters, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the integrity of the legal system for the overall well-being of the nation.

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