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National Medicines Regulatory Authority to Introduce Security Sticker to Combat Illegal Medicine Imports

In response to the pressing issue of substandard and hazardous medicines infiltrating Sri Lanka via unregistered importers, such as the recent human immunoglobulin scandal, the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) has announced plans to implement a security sticker system.

The NMRA has resolved to affix a security sticker to all medicines registration certificates, aiming to thwart any attempts at counterfeiting these documents by illicit importers.

Dr. Ananda Wijewickrama, Chairman of NMRA, disclosed to the Daily Mirror that this decision follows allegations levied against the authority regarding the illicit entry of medicines. These accusations have emerged particularly in ongoing court cases related to scandals like the human immunoglobulin scam and the distribution of substandard eye drops. Allegations suggest that importers either falsify NMRA-issued registration certificates or collude with individuals within the NMRA to obtain forged certificates.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, NMRA is implementing this new security measure to staunch the flow of dangerous or substandard medicines into the country.

Dr. Wijewickrama emphasized the urgency of the matter, expressing intentions to roll out the security sticker system within a month. He stated, “I have already placed an order for the printing of the new security stickers with the Government Press and will commence implementation as soon as the new batch is available.”

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