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Temporary Road Closures in Kollupitiya and Kompanna Vidiya for Underground Pipeline Project

Several roads in the Kollupitiya and Kompanna Vidiya areas are set to be temporarily closed starting today (05 Feb.) as part of a three-phase maintenance project aimed at laying underground pipelines.

According to the police, the section from Nawam Mawatha to the Kompanna Vidiya railway station, situated on Sri Uttarananda Mawatha, will be closed from today until 19 February.

In the second phase of the project, the road from Perahera Mawatha to Nawam Mawatha, along Sri Uttarananda Mawatha, will be closed from 20 February until 04 March.

Following that, roads in the proximity of the Rotunda Gardens junction and Perahera Mawatha are scheduled to be closed from 05 to 11 March.

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