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Temporary Suspension of Fines for Non-Compliance with Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Requirement

The Inland Revenue Department has temporarily halted the imposition of fines on individuals who have not acquired their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or tax registration number. This decision aligns with the directives issued by the Ministry of Finance.

Previously, the government had mandated that every citizen above the age of 18 must open a tax file, with the requirement originally slated to become mandatory from January 1, 2024. However, practical challenges in implementing the associated program led to the postponement of its mandatory enforcement to February 1, 2024.

Initially, it was communicated that a fine of fifty thousand rupees would be imposed on individuals failing to obtain the requisite TIN number.

In response to queries on the matter, Nihal Wijewardena, Deputy Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department, clarified that individuals who have not obtained the relevant number by February 1, 2024, will not face fines during this temporary suspension period.

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