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University of Peradeniya Survey Exposes Disturbing Dysfunction in State Telephone Lines: 71% Found Inoperative

A recent survey conducted by the University of Peradeniya has brought to light a concerning revelation: a staggering 71% of the official telephone lines designated for state institutions in the country are not functioning correctly.

The comprehensive survey, led by a group of students from the University’s Department of Economics and Statistics, under the guidance of Prof. Wasantha Athukorala, delved into the status of official telephone lines introduced for public interaction with state institutions.

According to Prof. Athukorala, the survey results indicate a stark reality: only 29% of the official telephone lines designed for public communication with state institutions are operational. Shockingly, 49% of these lines are entirely non-functional, and an additional 22%, while technically in operation, go unanswered.

The survey encompassed official telephone lines assigned to Grama Niladhari officers, Samurdhi officers, and development officers from Divisional Secretariats across the island. The gathered data from 98 of the 276 Pradeshiya Sabha (PS) divisions revealed alarming statistics: 14% of the telephone lines were inactive, 42% remained unanswered, and only 44% were attended to.

Similarly, the survey covered 23 out of 24 Municipal Council areas, unveiling that 4% of the official lines were inactive, while a staggering 44% went unanswered.

Prof. Athukorala emphasized that even among the answered official lines, the responses provided were often vague and lacked utility or relevance to the queries made.

Expressing concern, Prof. Athukorala highlighted the irony that despite these official telephone lines being introduced for the public’s convenience, the practical experience of using them contradicts this intention. He urged immediate measures to be taken by relevant institutions and authorities to address this critical issue.

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